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THEATRE | 13 and 14 SEP 2024

fri 9.00pm and sat 5.00pm | 90 min. | ages 12+
at Stage Hall
price A: €10 / €7.50 / €5 // discounts may apply
price Youth €5

SET 13th 
Post-show conversation with Pedro Mexia and Mafalda Lencastre

Accessible Session on SET 14th w/ LGP (Portuguese Sign Language) and AD (PT)

“Suécia”, the first stage show written by Pedro Mexia, plays around with the pre-conceived notions we all have of Sweden – the place where Bergman’s movies come from, the paradise (lost?) of social-democracy,  or just thinking of it as the homeland of the infernal Strindberg and the syrupy ABBA. 

Staged by Nuno Cardoso, the play takes us back to the aftermath of the September 1976 elections, that brought an end to the uninterrupted half-century of governance by the Social Democratic Party. A time that coincides with the marriage of Monika, daughter of Egerman, a bitter intellectual in his sixties, “retired from the world”, that makes no effort to hide his satisfaction at the toppling of the status quo. 

As such, “Suécia” discusses the idealized future, the end of illusion and good intentions, blurring the line between public and private, political and intimate.

By Pedro Mexia 
Stage direction Nuno Cardoso 
Dramaturgy support Madalena Alfaia 
Stage direction assistant Mafalda Lencastre 
Set design F. Ribeiro 
Music Pedro “Peixe” Cardoso 
Lighting design Cárin Geada 
Costumes Nélson Vieira 
Movement Roldy Harrys 
With António Fonseca, Joana Carvalho, Jorge Mota, Lisa Reis, Patrícia Queirós, Paulo Freixinho and Pedro Frias

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