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Being a Patron is...

More than a set of tax benefits, which translate into a tax reduction, Teatro Viriato wants to turn the Patronage of the Arts into a project that is based on a mutual challenge and on the coming together of companies and culture – a partnership that will result in a source of prestige, creativity and citizenship for both partners.

Teatro Viriato is not conceivable without civil society’s involvement and contribution. Along its 10 years of activity, its proposal to the Community is based on the constant challenge it launches to the audiences, artists and creators. It is this same will that guides this arts centre’s action relative to companies. It is fundamental to reinforce Teatro Viriato’s autonomy, diversifying funding sources that complement the public funding established by the government and the municipality of Viseu. However, we want to go further.

Our deepest wish is that Cultural Patronage becomes a strategy that anticipates what, in a near future, will be a guarantee of differentiation in the business community, which has become more and more competitive. In a context of globalization and massification, to associate a company brand to the distinguished public service in which Teatro Viriato engages with the community, namely, with the young and schools through training, awareness, creation of memory and cultural ballast, is essential for a future that we want marked by creativity and innovation. Continual Culture that will be, and may become even more so, a mark of distinction.

Thus, throughout Teatro Viriato’s history, which is made of complicities, several entrepreneurs have already placed enormous trust in this artistic and cultural project. They watched our performances, transported Culture, welcomed and cared for our artists’ well-being and challenged creators to enter their companies. Therefore, it is legitimate to share the success achieved by Teatro Viriato with these agents. This is an effort that it is important to recognize and that we wish to see reinforced.

We want to continue walking alongside companies, in a partnership which we wish more constant, dynamic, and fruitful and more and more reinforced with new companies. We share know-how, generate prestige and export it. Come and make this Theatre an added value and a mark of distinction of your company.

Patron · 2021

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